The Oatmeal: Case Study Of An Entrepreneurial Artist – with Matthew Inman | Case Studies & Business Tips


I try to make things that I think are funny and that I enjoy. But the gripe one is one that I sort of embellished a little more because it seemed to resonate with people.

And actually, I had the rare opportunity a couple weeks ago of having lunch with Gary Larson. And one of the questions I asked him was what kind of feedback did you have on your work and did it change your work. And he said, I can almost quote him exactly, he said that he worked in a tiny little dark hole for 15 years with zero feedback, didn’t do a book tour. He just wrote what he liked and what he thought was funny and that humor coincided with his fans.

When I heard that that was when I was like, that’s how I want to be. I don’t want to operate off of these little trolls. I don’t want to operate off of my traffic. I don’t want to operate off of what sells the most merchandise. I want to operate off of what I think is funny because that seems to be what works best most of the time.

Method: “I try to make things that I think are funny and that I enjoy.”

Methodology: “Make something funny. Make something interesting. Say something someone hasn’t said. Seed it on Facebook. Seed it wherever you want to seed it and just see what happens. Keep iterating.”

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